Hey, guys! I'm so excited, as this marks the first official "unveiling" of my comic project! I'm not going to give much in the way of story, but I do have some character concepts that I've been dying to share. A while back I comissioned a dear friend of mine to draw up some character sheets based on descriptions I sent her. She did no less than an outstanding job (duh!) and perfectly nailed everything I was looking for in the leading characters for Neomyn. She recently sent me the "lineart" for the characters and I took that and whipped up some flat colors and glow effects, tossed 'em on a background texture and wham-o, I have the first completed element of my comic!
So, without further delay, I'd like to show you guys the first three characters of Neomyn. But first, a little background...
Neomyn have the ability to control the four elements of the planet--Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire--and “bend” them to their desires. What marks a person as a Neomyn physically is their arms; specifically, from the elbow to the ends of the fingers. As the physical focal point of their power, the skin on a Neomyn’s lower arms is blackened and “cracked” like the top-most layer of a lava flow, with the neomynari (the power of the elements) constantly glowing beneath; the glow shifting with the element controlled--Fire, red; Wind, purple; Water, blue; Earth, green. The Neomyn’s arms will revert back to a “default” color when not willfully controling an element; this represents their mynari’ethra--the element with which the Neomyn is most powerful. Though it’s extremely rare, there have been Neomyn who have stopped touching the neomynari and, eventually, even their mynari’ethra which causes the glow to fade.
TechMages are normal men and women that have been imbued with the mysterious technology discovered by Garek Mandrygorn in his exile from the Neomyn order. Like the Neomyn, the TechMages’ arms are the physical representation of their powers, however, that’s where the similarities end. Unlike the Neomyn, a TechMage’s arms aren’t the result of a natural power but, instead, a mechanical alteration. From the elbows down, a TechMage has replaced his flesh and blood with bionic implants composed of a strange metal that forges and imitates the natural shape and movement of the original arms. The end result is an appendage that looks as if it has skin of quicksilver. These implants house a special technology that grants the barer the ability to generate and manipulate intense energy fields, forging them into whatever shape they can imagine within the confines of their physical limitations. A TechMage of the highest power (Emperor Mandrygorn and Lord Slashtyrn for example) can generate an entire suit of armor composed of coherent energy sectioned into plates, while a TechMage at the lowest end of the power scale can simply generate an energy blade and/or shield. As a show of strength, the TechMages all wear a specially designed armor.
TechMages who were once Neomyn--of which there are only two in the entire Legion--have a physical characteristic that sets them apart dramatically from all others. Where a "regular" TechMage's arms are just silver in color, those who were Neomyn have constantly swirling "ribbons" of color in theirs; Garek's arms are gold with silver ribbons and Tymn Slashtyrn's are silver with gold ribbons.
Okay, well, that should give you a bit of a run-down. Now for the charactersheets!
Razorn Lyngari

Cera Raavel
Garek Mandrygorn

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