Okay, so I noticed that it's been a bit o' time since my last blog and, unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot to report. I mean, that is to say, I'm once again back to not having my Xbox...I really do think that Microsoft's Hardware Design Department is full of morons. I'm sorry, Kate, but I just can't buy that Microsoft (yes, even the Big Bill's Company) had the foresight and asshole-ingenuity to purposely design a system that would constantly fail and, thereby, force their consumers to purchase new machines. There are a few things wrong with this idea...1: Since the discovery that the RRoD (that's Red Ring of Death for those not "in the know") was more than just a "marginal few" and, instead turned out to be a whoppin' 33.3% of all systems sold in the first 2 years of the console's life, Microsoft has extended their full repair and replacement warrenty on all units purchased. This means that they are not actually forcing their consumers to purchase new Xbox's and earning twice the money per gamer but, instead, replacing or repairing the units for free and, with shipping and handling paid for as well, Microsoft is loosing money per unit that fails. And B: any high-end retailer and manufacturer has to see the fault in a plan to purposely design a system to fail even if they don't fix it...especially in a market that is rife with dangerously compelling competition.
Now, here's the problem with the Xbox 360's design (which, by the way has nothing to do with why I love the system...if there was no chance of getting the RRoD I would enshrine the damn thing). Microsoft built the system's innards and then several casings in which to put them in. Now, if you've read or watched any of the videos that came packaged with the system, you'll see that several of the casing designs were pretty solid ideas. Some weren't as "sleek and sexy" as the P.O.S. they went with, but they looked edgy and streamlined while maintaining a solid spec. And, let's be honest, as ugly as the original system was, it was solid and, unless you packed the fucker into a TINY cubby hole in your entertainment system that your friend put together and then played the thing for 8 hours straignt...well...it didn't overheat. But which design one out? The one with the worst possible air-cooling set up. Here, let me give you an idea of what I'm talking about... ) ( ...that's pretty much what the system looks like head-on. Now, imagine that you have a crap-ton of microchips and various processors, a DiskDrive and CPU to cram into this "sleek and sexy" body. Where do you put it? )o( That's right...right smack dab in the center of the bottleneck...y'know...the place that is MOST LIKELY to TRAP all that HEAT...And, what does heat DO boys and girls? That's right...it MELTS SHIT....
So, you're telling me that this group of people were capable of designing and building a system that can render lifelike light and shadows, give objects inside a digital space real world physics and creat and control an series of AIs that can outthink most people between the ages of 9 and 45 and they couldn't think far enough in advace to foresee that shoving all those processors into the center of an hourglass was a silly idea? I'm...uh...in the wrong business.
Aaaaaaaaanyway...this marks the official FIRST appearance of Sarah in the strip! This is hands down the best female I've ever drawn. :D Helps that the subject matter was so awesome that my subconscious wouldn't let me screw it up. Also, I am officially turning this into my one and only blog. It won't be strictly for OaG anymore, but will still include the lovely lil' strip.
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