Thursday, July 26, 2007

I've Got Mad Skills

Here it is, folks. Only a Geek: Fraggin' to Fame and Fortune #3. In case you don't quite get it, I'm recruiting Shaun in a game of Rainbow 6: Vegas. A game we both love to play and will probably be used as the game you see the gang in whenever they're playing.
Gasp! There's...swearing! Yeap. Get over it, lol.Enjoy, all!P.S. The username over my head is the same one I use on Xbox Live. Feel free to send requests. Shaun's is not the same one. I changed it to both fit the character and to, y'know, guard his privacy and all that. Heh. Later!

The Bar and The Law of Men

OaG: FF #2. Me recruiting the man, Lord Nolan. He no longer works there, but once upon a time (and in this strip) Nolan was a bartender. I liked him as a tender, which is why he'll stay one in the strip. He's got the perfect ego and personality for it. Anyway, I'm gonna post #3 now.
Later! Heh.